
History’s famous delusions, those who believed them — and why

‘Bookish People’ is the perfect summer read for book lovers

‘The Year of Miracles’ is a welcome reminder to savor the small stuff

Washington Post hardcover bestsellers

How decades of greed and bad choices left us vulnerable to a pandemic

The pope who thought he could negotiate with Hitler

3 new audiobooks for your summer playlist

Washington Post paperback bestsellers

Anthony Marra’s cinematic novel captures the intricate cruelties of war

Reader does this question need a comma? A new book offers grammar help.

Wellness is something we all want. How has it become a luxury?

Diana Kennedy, cookbook author who promoted Mexican cuisine, dies at 99

Natasha Pulley delivers a historical thriller with intellectual heft

Let’s talk about the beasts of sci-fi and horror. ‘Cujo,’ anyone?

Quidditch is now quadball, distancing game from J.K. Rowling, league says

Washington Post hardcover bestsellers

How ‘Old Country’ went from a Reddit story to a novel and Netflix deal

In ‘The Displacements,’ a hurricane turns the rich into refugees

In ‘Crying in the Bathroom,’ a writer chooses abortion, and motherhood

12 noteworthy books for July and August