
Louise Penny’s latest mystery imagines a post-covid world. Things are still pretty complicated.

The Fate of the Self in the Age of Clicks

How Can Colleges Handle Sexual Misconduct Cases More Fairly?

Kat Chow on How Mourning Is Like Taxidermy

Stories of Our Perverse Present and Our Haunted Futures

There’s Something Fishy About This Refuge in the Colorado Wilds

When the Big Bang Was Just a Theory

A Supreme Court That Has Gone Wrong

The Worldwide Effort to Bar Chinese Immigration

‘The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois’ is the kind of brilliant epic that comes around only once in a decade

Atticus Lish’s Second Novel Is a Brooding Heartbreaker

In William Maxwell’s Fiction, a Vivid, Varied Tableau of Midwestern Life

Beach-read refill: 12 titles to get you to the end of summer (and beyond)